July 2005 Went off Birth Control and had an IUD inserted.
June 2007 Had the IUD removed and started trying immediately. I was devestated when I got AF in Disney World when it was 800 degrees.
September 2007 Concieved a baby while at a wedding in Atlanta.
October 2007 I had a miscarriage, at my high school reunion, the same week my grandpa died. That's right, life sucks.
February 2008 Dh had his first SA, which showed great counts, but decreased motility.
March and April 2008 Dh saw a urologist. He has two varicoceles which give him low motility and according the most recent SA, low morphology. We were referred to an RE.
May 2008 We saw the RE who recommended IUI's. This also marked 12 months of TTC.
May 13, 2008 We had our first IUI.
May 27, 2008 The first IUI failed. Onto IUI number 2.
June 13, 2008 (friday the 13th) We had our second unmedicated IUI.
June 27, 2008 The second IUI also failed. Onto our third and final unmedicated IUI before we decide what to do next.
July 13-14, 2008 Third IUI. This month we did back to back IUI's. Still unmedicated.
July 27, 2008 Last unmedicated IUI failed.
July 30, 2008 Started 25mg of Clomid.
August 5, 2008 HSG- All Clear!!!!!!
August 10, 2008 IUI number #4. One mature follie.
August 25, 2008 IUI #4 failed.
August 28, 2008 Started 50 mg of Clomid
September 3, 2008 Touched those fertility statues in NYC. Crossing our fingers.
September 10, 2008 IUI #5. Only one mature follie..
September 25, 2008 Proof that it only takes one! BFP!!!!